Tag Archives: capital expenditure

Ways to reduce your corporation tax bill

Corporation Tax

With the corporation tax rate rising from 19% to 25%, business owners have started to face higher corporation tax bills from 1 April 2023. So, what are the ways to reduce your corporation tax bill? If you are running a profitable business, you may be wondering if you’re taking advantage of all the tax efficiencies […]

Is it a repair or improvement ?

The most common question we deal with when preparing accounts for landlords is “is it a repair or improvement”?   It can often be difficult to distinguish between repairs and improvements. However, it’s extremely important to report them correctly for tax purposes. Repairs are often referred to as revenue expenditure and improvements as capital expenditure. […]

Capital or Revenue Expenditure

Knowing whether business expenditure is capital or revenue is essential to the preparation of correct accounts and tax returns, but it is sometimes difficult to decide what is the right treatment. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has recently updated its guidance on the most common errors. First the basics: revenue expenditure is deductible in computing […]