Category Archives: Cloud Accounting

Why your business needs management information

management information

With uncertainty looming over the UK economy, making sound decisions for your business is more crucial than ever. We think using cloud accounting is part of the solution and there are countless reasons why your business needs management information.   Cloud Accounting If you are using cloud accounting you are on the right path but […]

Bookkeeping tips to help small businesses

cloud accounting

Have you ever wondered how bookkeeping done well can help your small business?  Well bookkeeping and financial data are crucial to managing your business.  So here’s some great bookkeeping tips. As a small business when things are tight (and even when they are not), it’s important that you keep on top of what comes in […]

Why is it important to file your accounts on time ?

Most of us accountants are keen to make sure that you file your accounts on time.  If you are a seasoned business owner, you will already know that if you file your accounts late you will receive penalties. But why else is it important to file your accounts on time? You can review the full […]

Disappointed by their accounting firm. Why S. Hille Holdings wish they’d found Myers Clark sooner.

Running a business is rarely a solo effort. Being successful and profitable often means relying on other people for support – whether that be experts inside or outside of the company.   So, what happens when you realise a professional relationship isn’t serving you?   The family at S. Hille Holdings found themselves in exactly […]

How can Artificial Intelligence work for your business?

You can’t have missed the conversation about artificial intelligence (AI) recently. This is because there is now a new wave of AI technology. This brings an opportunity to automate many routine or administrative tasks and improve the overall efficiency of your business. You know we have been talking cloud accounting for a while because that […]

Small Business Strategy

A recent survey by the Federation of Small Business (FSB) states that almost 50% of their businesses will face stagnation in growth due rising costs of operation.  As a business you need to review your risks and your small business strategy. Against the background of soaring inflation, the war in Ukraine, global supply chain problems, […]

Capital or Revenue Expenditure

Knowing whether business expenditure is capital or revenue is essential to the preparation of correct accounts and tax returns, but it is sometimes difficult to decide what is the right treatment. HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has recently updated its guidance on the most common errors. First the basics: revenue expenditure is deductible in computing […]

Desktop Vs Cloud Accounting – what’s the best accounting software for my business?

cloud software, digital accounting

Even the most experienced decision makers rely on accurate data to help them make sound decisions. As a forward-thinking business owner, you deserve a forward thinking accounting software to provide you with the financial data you need to drive decisions.    As you grow your business even the more simple tasks, like keeping records of […]

How can your business be more sustainable?

In case you haven’t heard the UK is hosting COP26, the 26th United Nations climate change conference next week in Glasgow. Somehow although we are hearing about this huge event almost daily, for most of us it will still feel as if it is something that is happening out there with the politicians. But should […]

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Delayed…. Updated January 2023

Making Tax Digital (MTD) Delayed As we said last week uncertainty and change are in the air! So, this week we have more changes to announce.  MTD for self-employed, partnerships and landlords has now been delayed. The change that was originally set to become law in April 2023 has now been pushed back due to […]