Category Archives: blog page

Here’s how a successful family business primed and transitioned ownership for the next generation.

Even in the midst of success, many business owners are harbouring internal fears about the future. Family-owned Emery Little Wealth Management (EL) had successfully navigated the start-up and growth phases of their business. They were well established with a solid team, good clients, and regular revenue. Outwardly, their foundation seemed unshakeable. Internally, the owners were […]

Disappointed by their accounting firm. Why S. Hille Holdings wish they’d found Myers Clark sooner.

Running a business is rarely a solo effort. Being successful and profitable often means relying on other people for support – whether that be experts inside or outside of the company.   So, what happens when you realise a professional relationship isn’t serving you?   The family at S. Hille Holdings found themselves in exactly […]

Why is time management skills important for your work?

Why does it matter you have a time management system for work? The UK is often labelled as a “low productivity” economy amongst the G7 economies.  Compared to France we rank much lower.  So, what do our peers do across the channel that we don’t. According to the Guardian newspaper the French have a wonderful […]

What is it like working as an ACA trainee at Myers Clark?

You’re here because you’re looking for the right place to undertake your ACA training and become a qualified Chartered Accountant.   We know how important it is to learn the ropes in an environment where you feel valued and on a structured path to achievement.   We wanted to give you a picture of what […]

We are now at Plan B so what is your plan?

working from home

We are now into week one of Plan B even if at the time of writing this blog our MP’s are still debating measures amid Tory backlash. It seems that vaccines are still our best line of defence and so until the majority of adults have received their booster jab it would be reasonable to […]

Do I really need to be doing social media?

Social media has changed our lives globally, resulting in an inevitable knock on effect to how we do business. No matter what business you’re in, your audience is doing their research and making purchasing decisions online all the time.   As trusted advisers to our clients, we talk about all things related to business improvement. […]