Category Archives: Tax Advice

End of year Tax Planning

Why will be it be necessary to do some tax planning moving forward. You may have seen in the press last week, there is not going be a “U” turn with the introduction of the new health social care levy. The UK government borrowed another £16.8 billion in December 2021 and the Covid 19 pandemic […]

What are the best benefits to offer employees

employee benefits, benefit in kind, employees

For a few months now, we have known there is an acute shortage of talented people in the general workforce in the United Kingdom. Some industries such as hospitality are having more of an acute shortage due to other factors such as Brexit, but staff shortage is spreading across all industries and in all parts […]

When do I need to report for Capital Gains?

Do you ever get the impression that in the effort to simplify processes, the government complicates it even more?  One recent example is the “simplification” of the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) regime when it comes to reporting. Whilst trying to simplify the process and removing the need to register for the Self-Assessment tax regime, more […]

Research & Development (R&D) – Tax Breaks

The government has committed to investing £22 billion in R&D by 2025 and this was again confirmed in the 2021 budget. The UK is recognised as a world leader when it comes to research and innovations